The passive voice - all tenses – Test English
REPHRASING VARIADO - 1º /2º BACHILLERATO - LOTE 1 REPHRASING VARIADO - 1º /2º BACHILLERATO - LOTE 2 IMPERSONAL PASSIVE - ADELINA ACOSTA GARCÍA Continuamos desarrollando algunos temas relacionados con el uso de la Voz Pasiva. En esta ocasión hablaremos sobre otra forma de Voz Pasiva denominada Impersonal, que se caracteriza por utilizar verbos relacionados con la percepción (Verbos Intransitivos) como por ejemplo: say (decir), think (pensar), suppose (suponer), know (saber/conocer), expect (esperar), consider (considerar), entre otros. A - Are the sentences written in Active or Passive? Passive voice - Test 1 . A - Are the sentences written in Active or Passive? 1) Steven likes to play baseball. a) Active . b) Passive . 2) Bingo is played in Britain. a) Active . b) Passive . 3) He lost his keys yesterday. a) Active . b) Passive . 4) A letter was written. a) Active . b) Passive . 5) …
matdptos: ON THE PASSIVE VOICE Materiales Departamentos. / ON THE PASSIVE VOICE; ON THE PASSIVE VOICE. Haga clic en THE_PASSIVE_VOICE.pdf para ver el archivo. Saltar Navegación. Navegación. Página Principal. Páginas del sitio. Marcas. Calendario. Novedades del sitio. Curso actual. General review 2º bachillerato (new: October 2016) Order of adjectives. SERIOUS Cómo entender la Voz pasiva en Inglés FÁCILMENTE / Alejo ... Dec 01, 2015 · Si has tenido problemas para entender como funciona la voz pasiva no te puedes perder este video donde Alejo Lopera te va a explicar de qué forma … English Exercises: FINAL TEST - 2º BACHILLERATO
- passive voice theory optional activities a. passive voice (low) b. passive voice (med) c. passive voice (med) d. passive voice (reporting verbs) +solutions (++high) e. passive voice mixed tenses (high) (with solutions) compulsory activities a. passive voice combined exercises b. passive voice causative unit 6 writing a composition for and agaisnt Rephrasing Passive Voice - IES ALFONSO X EL SAB Rephrasing Passive Voice Rewrite these sentences so their meaning doesn’t change, the beginning is given 1. A jeep picked up the soldiers from the base. The soldiers…were picked up from the base by a jeep. 2. We ought to invite Susan to the party. Susan…should be invited to the party. 3. The police took the angry youth away. 2 BACHILLERATO - English at IES Alhadra Almería English at IES Alhadra Almería . Buscar en este sitio. Mapa del sitio; ENGLISH AT IES ALHADRA SPAIN. Passive voice 1 Passive voice 2 WRITING WORKSHOP FOR BACHILLERATO.1.pdf Ver Descargar. WRITING WORKSHOP FOR BACHILLERATO.3.pdf Ver Descargar. Rephrasing Exercises - Passive voice 1 - XTEC Re-write the sentences so that they have the same meaning as the original.
Do NOT change the verb tense. 1. The student copied the new vocabulary into her notebook. The new vocabulary. 2. The salesperson talked Sung Ho into sentence-with-two-objects. introductory+verbs+activity.pdf Introductory verbs 1. We make the passive by putting the verb 'to be' into whatever tense we need and then adding the past 1) When we want to change the focus of the sentence:. 2nd bachillerato - second term - year 2012-2013 1. PASSIVE OF REPORTING VERBS / IMPERSONAL PASSIVE. Verbs that refer to saying or thinking ( think, 2 Passive verb of the Reporting verb in the same tense as in the active: is. Tenses - Printable PDF Worksheets for English Language Learners - Intermediate Level (B1)
Materiales Departamentos. / ON THE PASSIVE VOICE; ON THE PASSIVE VOICE. Haga clic en THE_PASSIVE_VOICE.pdf para ver el archivo. Saltar Navegación. Navegación. Página Principal. Páginas del sitio. Marcas. Calendario. Novedades del sitio. Curso actual. General review 2º bachillerato (new: October 2016) Order of adjectives. SERIOUS